March 13, 2025
penny j gonzalez santa paula

Penny Gonzalez of Santa Paula On When to Bring Your Pet to the Veterinarian

As someone who worked as a veterinary technician for more than 30 years, Penny Gonzalez of Santa Paula loves animals and understands how important it is for those with pets to bring their animals to the veterinarian for their regular checkups, but what most pet owners are unsure of is when they should head to the veterinarian due to an unforeseen issue. Understanding that vet appointments can be expensive, Penny Gonzalez of Santa Paula will discuss a few signs that an animal must see a licensed veterinarian right away.

Penny J. Gonzalez of Santa Paula believes it is essential for any pet owners to trust their gut. If they sense something is wrong, there’s no problem with bringing their animal to see a veterinarian. Still, there are some critical signs that an animal is in distress and needs medical attention. One of animal owners’ most common causes of concern is abnormal bathroom habits. Most of our pets are on a consistent diet, so there shouldn’t be a lot of abnormalities when it comes to bathroom behavior. When something starts to appear off, it is a good idea to contact one’s veterinarian. Some of the most common issues include a color change or a consistency issue. Penny J. Gonzalez of Santa Paula notes that most vets will want to run a test on a stool sample so bringing one to the vet is a good idea.

A more subtle sign that something is wrong Is having a pet who will drink water a lot more than usual. Animals will often look for water when they don’t feel well. Excessive water drinking can be a sign of diabetes or kidney disease in an animal. Penny Gonzalez of Santa Paula notes that both of these issues, when caught in a timely matter, can be combatted by a veterinarian either through management or correction via medical treatment.

A less subtle sign that an animal needs medical attention is when they are getting sick more than once within a 12-hour period. When an animal gets sick once, Penny Gonzalez of Santa Paula notes that it can be something as simple as eating something too fast or having a routine upset stomach. Continually getting sick can be a signal of a virus or something more serious. Penny Gonzalez of Santa Paula recommends calling a vet to discuss the best course of action when an animal gets sick multiple times throughout the day or night. Dehydration is a serious issue, so it is always better to be safe than sorry.

Irregularities in eating habits are something every pet owner should be monitoring. For instance, a dog eating less than usual is cause for concern. One thing Penny Gonzalez of Santa Paula saw a lot during her time as a vet tech was that a refusal to eat wasn’t always the result of a stomach issue. Many of the animals that came in were suffering from a mouth injury that their owners didn’t realize was preventing them from eating. If any animal goes more than a day without eating, it’s essential to get them to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

Some warning signs are specific to certain animals. For instance, Penny Gonzalez of Santa Paula notes that a dog panting is nothing to worry about, but a cat panting is an issue. Cats may pant briefly after chasing or playing, but it typically lasts only a minute or two. A cat panting with its mouth open could be dealing with respiratory distress from heart disease or asthma. In these scenarios, the sooner they see a veterinarian, the better.

Every pet owner gets accustomed to the breathing patterns of their animals. If a pet starts to sound off or suddenly shows signs of shallow or labored breaths after minimal physical activity, a veterinarian should be called. Penny Gonzalez of Santa Paula notes that the resting respiratory rate of a dog or cat is typically less than 30 breaths per minute. When an animal owner notices that the rate is significantly higher, it could indicate something as serious as fluid buildup in the lungs. Know that a veterinarian will likely need to take x-rays and conduct bloodwork to see if an animal with a high respiratory rate struggles with lung conditions.